World Business StrategiesServing the Global Financial Community since 2000

World-Renowned Speaker List

The presenters at the WQF are hand picked to offer you the best learning, cutting edge research, careers advice and a wealth of experience to navigate the quants world.

Wafaa Schiefler | >

Executive Director – Commodities Quantitative Researcher, JP Morgan Chase

Mirela Predescu | >

Head of RISK Quant Academy, BNP Paribas

Milena Imamovic-Tomasovic | >

Global Head of Product Valuation Methodologies and VCG Digital, Citi

Antonia Lim:

Chief Investment Officer, Impact Cubed

Svetlana Borovkova:

Climate Risk Quant Research, Bloomberg

Milena Vuletić | >

DPhil Candidate at University of Oxford

Amira Akkari | >

Executive Director, JP Morgan

Sanja Hukovic | >

Head of Model and AI Risk Management, London Stock Exchange Group

Laura Ballotta | >

Prof. of Mathematical Finance, Bayes Business School (formerly Cass)

Aakriti Mittal:

Quantitative Researcher, Bloomberg

Maria Makarova | >

Assistant Vice President Quantitative Analyst, BNP Paribas

Irene Perdomo | >

Portfolio Manager, DRW

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