Algorithmic Trading Certificate: A Practitioner’s Guide
This course by the Artificial Intelligence Finance Institute delves into the essentials of LLMs, their practical applications in finance, and hands-on implementation techniques
WBS Training’s partner company, The AIFI – Artificial Intelligence Finance Institute Certificate
The Certificate of Bank Treasury Risk Management (BTRM) is a once a year, six-month, part-time course designed to empower individuals working in, or intending to work in, every aspect of bank risk management and asset-liability management (ALM).
The course consists of 5 Modules: Python for Finance, C++ fundamentals and use cases from quantitative finance, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Databases in finance – KDB and Design of systematic trading platforms.
The 8th Women in Quantitative Finance Conference (WQF) live in London.
The Machine Learning Institute Certificate in Finance (MLI) is delighted to announce a fully updated world class faculty and brand new syllabus.
The 20th Anniversary Quantitative Finance Conference: Cannes, France (The Cannes Quant Festival)
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