World Business StrategiesServing the Global Financial Community since 2000

All events

Algorithmic Trading Certificate (ATC): A Practitioner’s Guide

Algorithmic Trading Certificate: A Practitioner’s Guide

Globally Online : Monday 3rd March 2025
Large Language Models (LLMs) in Finance Certificate

This course by the Artificial Intelligence Finance Institute delves into the essentials of LLMs, their practical applications in finance, and hands-on implementation techniques

Globally Online : Monday 10th March 2025
The Artificial Intelligence Finance Institute (AIFI) Certificate

WBS Training’s partner company, The AIFI – Artificial Intelligence Finance Institute Certificate

Online : Monday 17th  - Friday 28th March 2025
The Certificate of Bank Treasury Risk Management (BTRM)

The Certificate of Bank Treasury Risk Management (BTRM) is a once a year, six-month, part-time course designed to empower individuals working in, or intending to work in, every aspect of bank risk management and asset-liability management (ALM).

Globally Online : Wednesday 9th April - Wednesday 1st October 2025
The Quantitative Developer Certificate (QDC)

The course consists of 5 Modules: Python for Finance, C++ fundamentals and use cases from quantitative finance, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Databases in finance – KDB and Design of systematic trading platforms.

Globally Online : Monday 21st April 2025
The 8th Women in Quantitative Finance Conference (WQF)

The 8th Women in Quantitative Finance Conference (WQF) live in London.

London : Thursday 24th April 2025
The Machine Learning Institute Certificate in Finance (MLI)

The Machine Learning Institute Certificate in Finance (MLI) is delighted to announce a fully updated world class faculty and brand new syllabus.

Globally Online : Monday 12th May 2025
The 21st Quantitative Finance Conference: Palermo, Italy

The 20th Anniversary Quantitative Finance Conference: Cannes, France (The Cannes Quant Festival)

Palermo, Italy : Wednesday 24th  - Friday 26th September 2025

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