Enhanced BTRM syllabus
- The BTRM is comprised of 2 stages
- 2 Pre-course Primers
- 46 lectures over 5 modules
- End of Module Online Tests
- Final exam taken globally online using our live invigilation platform.
- The Diploma is an optional stage of the BTRM following award of the Certificate.
Cohort 17 EXAM: Wednesday 10th April 2024 |
Following three weeks allocated for revision, students will sit a formal 3-hour closed book written examination. The exam is held on the same day worldwide, in our London exam centre for UK-based students. All non-UK based students sit the exam at their own desktop, using the BTRM online examination and digital invigilator system. The exam is essay-based, and not a multiple-choice test.
The pass mark is 60%, with those achieving 80% being granted a pass with Distinction. The the highest-performing student in the Cohort is awarded the Wiley Prize.
The Diploma is an optional stage of the BTRM following award of the Certificate. It consists of an 8,000-word student dissertation, the successful submission of which confers the designation Dip. BTRM. Students first submit their dissertation proposal and once approved the project will involve 300 hours of self-directed learning.
Teaching hours: 84 (28 lectures x 3 hours)
Total learning hours: 300 (including 216 hours self-directed learning)
Equivalent to one full semester module at MSc level