World Business StrategiesServing the Global Financial Community since 2000


  • Provide a strong foundation in the tools and techniques used in algorithmic trading.
  • Cover everything from basic programming concepts to advanced trading strategies and methods for research into new alpha sources.
  • Apply everything in hands-on projects throughout the course.

12 Lecture Weeks:

  • Module 1: Intro and Industry Overview
  • Module 2: Data and Features
  • Module 3: Statistics and Time Series
  • Module 4: Machine Learning
  • Module 5: Trend Following
  • Module 6: Carry and Volatility Strategies
  • Module 7: Mean Reversion
  • Module 8: Forecasting Models and Factor Investing
  • Module 9: Order Execution and Market Making
  • Module 10: Portfolio Theory and Allocation
  • Module 11: Backtesting and Performance
  • Module 12: Risk Management

Course Content:

1 Intro and Industry Overview

  • 1.1 Trading Basics
  • 1.2 Industry Overview
  • 1.3 Approaches

2 Data and Features

  • 2.1 Data
  • 2.2 Futures
  • 2.3 Commodities
  • 2.4 Equities
  • 2.5 Fixed Income
  • 2.6 Other Libraries
  • 2.7 Light Reading
  • 2.8 Features
  • 2.9 Signals

3 Statistics and Time Series

  • 3.1 Statistics – Describing the world
  • 3.2 Motivation – Asset Prices
  • 3.3 Stylised facts about asset returns
  • 3.4 Compounding and Discounting
  • 3.5 Probability and Random Variables
  • 3.6 Types of Distribution
  • 3.7 Maximum Likelihood Estimation
  • 3.8 Multivariate Distributions
  • 3.9 Statistical Inference
  • 3.10 Time Series
  • 3.11 General Framework
  • 3.12 Autoregressive Process
  • 3.13 Moving Average processes
  • 3.14 ARMA Processes
  • 3.15 Differencing
  • 3.16 Maximum likelihood estimation
  • 3.17 History of Forecasting

4 Machine Learning

  • 4.1 What is Machine Learning?
  • 4.2 Introduction to Classification
  • 4.3 Regression
  • 4.4 Support Vector Machines
  • 4.5 Kernels
  • 4.6 Decision Trees
  • 4.7 Random Forests
  • 4.8 Neural Networks
  • 4.9 Reinforcement Learning

5 Trend Following

  • 5.1 Trading Strategies
  • 5.2 Trend Following
  • 5.3 Momentum and Skewness
  • 5.4 Momentum and Responsiveness
  • 5.5 Cross-Sectional Momentum
  • 5.6 Other Topics in Momentum
  • 5.7 Trading Futures

6 Carry and Volatility

  • 6.1 Foreign Exchange
  • 6.2 The Carry Trade
  • 6.3 Physical and Risk-Neutral measures
  • 6.4 Margin
  • 6.5 Volatility Strategies

7 Mean Reversion

  • 7.1 What is Mean Reversion?
  • 7.2 Cointegration
  • 7.3 Implementing Mean-Reverting Strategies
  • 7.4 Mean Reversion as Liquidity Provision
  • 7.5 Changepoint Detection
  • 7.6 Pairs Trading
  • 7.7 Statistical Aribitrage

8 Features, Factors and Forecasts

  • 8.1 Algo Trading Systems
  • 8.2 Features
  • 8.3 Missing Data
  • 8.4 Outliers
  • 8.5 Data Processing
  • 8.6 Signals
  • 8.7 Factor Trading
  • 8.8 Factors
  • 8.9 Dimension Reduction
  • 8.10 Regularization
  • 8.11 Double Descent
  • 8.12 Adaptive filters
  • 8.13 Forecasting vs Allocation
  • 8.14 Product-Specific Features and Info
  • 8.15 Data Processing
  • 8.16 Data Processing
  • 8.17 Data Processing

9 Order Execution and Market Making

  • 9.1 Market Microstructure
  • 9.2 Algorithmic Trading
  • 9.3 Order Types
  • 9.4 Market Impact
  • 9.5 Market Making

10 Portfolio Theory and Allocation

  • 10.1 Asset Pricing Models
  • 10.2 Optimal Portfolios
  • 10.3 Transaction Costs
  • 10.4 Quadratic Programs
  • 10.5 Tactical Asset Allocation

11 Backtesting and Performance

  • 11.1 Performance Indicators
  • 11.2 Drawdowns
  • 11.3 Using Python for Analysis – example code
  • 11.4 Annualising
  • 11.5 Backtesting – A Realistic Backtest
  • 11.6 Optimizing Hyperparameters

12 Risk Management

  • 12.1 Risk Management
  • 12.2 Operational Risk
  • 12.3 Risk-Management Framework
  • 12.4 Optimal Scaling for Strategies
  • 12.5 Value at Risk and Related Approaches
  • 12.6 Factor Models
  • 12.7 Recap
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